
Warning is and remains important! With us you will find the lights you need for this. Whether conventional strobe lights and rotating beacons, or new types of warning zone lights. Do you simply want to project a dot on the ground (Model 770 & Model 4415), or a line (Model 793 & Model 529), or an arc surrounding the vehicle (Model 777)? Meanwhile, you can even project expressive symbols onto the ground! With the projector model 560 you throw an exclamation mark or even the symbol of a forklift brightly shine on the ground.

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Sample case set DIS-357-Musterkoffer.jpg
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\f0\fs17\lang1031 Become a...
Sample case base set DIS-343-Musterkoffer-Basisset.jpg
Become a strong seller! In the sample case you will find our top sellers ready for immediate use, immediately convincing. With power supply and switch box, you can show all...
PE insert DIS-329-Dummy.jpg
Become a strong seller! In the sample case you will find our top sellers ready for immediate use, immediately convincing. With power supply and switch box, you can show all...
Sample set model 93 BiLED DIS-352-90Set.jpg
Become a strong seller! In the sample case you will find our top sellers ready for immediate use, immediately convincing. With power supply and switch box, you can show all...
Sample set model 793 DIS-345-793Set.jpg
Become a strong seller! In the sample case you will find our top sellers ready for immediate use, immediately convincing. With power supply and switch box, you can show all...
Sample set model 777 II DIS-349-777Set.jpg
Become a strong seller! In the sample case you will find our top sellers ready for immediate use, immediately convincing. With power supply and switch box, you can show all...
Sample set model 710 DIS-351-710Set.jpg
Become a strong seller! In the sample case you will find our top sellers ready for immediate use, immediately convincing. With power supply and switch box, you can show all...
Sample set model 560 DIS-347-560Set.jpg
Become a strong seller! In the sample case you will find our top sellers ready for immediate use, immediately convincing. With power supply and switch box, you can show all...
Protector guard Mini Vision BL-231_Schutzkorb.jpg
Essential protection for your flash light.
Protector guard 6410 BL-120_Schutzkorb.jpg
Essential protection for your flash light.
Protector guard 595 RL-096_Schutzkorb_595_schwarz.jpg
Essential protection for your rotating beacon.
Magnetic holder Magnetic holder
Complete set to modify strobe light type "Sentry" to magnetic mount. The set includes all magnets and screws necessary.
Installation panel BL-937_Installationsrahmen.jpg
Provides a good fitting of your strobe light.
Holding plate BL-939_Halteblech.jpg
If you would like to mount strobe lights differently than the product allows it.
Beacon dome BL-262_Ersatzlichthaube_Blau.jpg
Simple beacon dome as a spare part.
Socket pipe RL-321_Aufsteckrohr.jpg
We offer different kinds of pole mount brackets for mounting your rotating beacons in any imaginable way. We do not have the one you need? Then contact us. (Illustration may...
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