
Your industry – our product

Whatever vehicles you build

Every industry has its own challenges. As a vehicle manufacturer, you know this, which is why you can develop the optimum equipment.

How good it is that there is the optimum equipment for every application. Our products may seem generic, but they come in a wide variety of forms and variants. Some are directly comparable, others completely different. We know all of our products, because that’s the only way we can deliver custom-fit products for your exact requirements.

Industry-specific consulting is our strength

Because not all LED worklights are the same. An industrial truck, for example, requires a rather narrow light pattern that should also extend vertically, but preferably without dazzling oncoming traffic.

On a farm tractor, on the other hand, it should illuminate the surroundings as broadly as possible. It must generate a great deal of light, but at the same time be integrated as attractively as possible into the edge of the roof.

And on a construction machine, such as a skid steer loader? Here, precise installation in the corners of the driver’s cab plays a role. In addition, the light is only needed in the working area directly in front of the loader, great diffusion is rather undesirable.

We understand the specific requirements of our customers’ various industries. We know which products are optimal for their specific requirements. And not only for the lighting sector.

We make it your product

You have found a product from another industry that might also solve your challenge? Let us know! Because together we can turn a good idea into an excellent one!

A product does not fit perfectly? Then let’s talk about our “extended workbench”.

Extended Workbench

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